In my normal day-to-day existence, I have the privilege of serving some of the best UX and Design professionals in the world.
Because our students are spread across the planet, I need a way to keep in touch with them on a regular basis. So every Monday, they get an extensive email from me—part information they need, and part information designed to improve their professional development.
Since they are all intellectual workers and students, every year I start out by exploring how the brain works. We cover study habits and how to take advantage of various brain waves at various times of the day, how to do deep work and other related topics.
I go in-depth about the three major parts of the brain, the Limbic System, which includes all the modern-person elements. This is the part modern marketers love. The mammalian part is shared by all mammals. Mammals don’t lay eggs, we are predisposed to care for our young, etc. The reptilian brain, the oldest part of the brain, and the part solely focused on danger and keeping you alive. The good news is that you are all currently alive, the bad news is that lizard brain will try to protect you from EVERY risk, all the time. That’s its job.
Normally, my post turns to their professional development, and how lizard brain affects every decision, including changing jobs. No matter where you are in your career and no matter how great the opportunity may be, the reptilian part of your brain will NEVER be “good” with a change. It will always want you to remain safe and remain where you are. Always! Again, that’s its job, and it has no other job. Now, it’s the other parts of your brain, and your life, that should be able to overcome lizard brain, but I think it’s valuable just to recognize we all have this uncontrollable element affecting our decisions to some degree.
In other words, lizard brain is constantly affecting your daily life, often without your knowledge.
Most research concludes that because our modern world has no equivalent of being stalked by a lion, our always-working lizard brain finds things to be “scared” of, as if it was an actual lion. When in fact, it’s just you presenting a PowerPoint to a manager and some colleagues. Yet, because of lizard brain, your mind and body reacts and releases chemicals (adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol) as if there is an actual lion.
But now, there is a lion. There is an invisible microscopic lion, that kills, and is currently stalking every part of the planet. For most of us, this means our lizard brains have taken over. Most of us, even those who have self-quarantined, are experiencing much higher-than-normal levels of cortisol, higher blood pressure, and increased heart rates. (me included)
How to silence lizard brain
First, exercise. I know, I know, that’s advise you’ve heard a thousand times. But you’ve heard it so often because it’s true. Right now, it’s chemical warfare inside your body. Exercise will release the chemicals to cancel out the negative chemicals released by your reptilian brain.
Next, use the Limbic System of your powerful brain to acknowledge lizard-brain’s existence, then tell it to “shut-up”. This is just another way to say “be mindful”. Your Limbic System is used to driving the car. But now, it must force its way into the driver’s seat. This can be done through mindfulness and meditation. I know, I know, meditation is hard, and many people have tried it and discarded it (me included). But if you want to go this route, there are now many excellent apps to aid you in this pursuit.
Lastly, maybe it’s o.k. to let lizard brain drive for a while. Not forever. But right now, all of our resources need to be used to survive, so why not let the part of your brain dedicated to survival run the show? I’m not saying disregard the higher-functioning parts of your brain, please utilize that as well. But for a while, all of our awareness needs to be cautious of threats. The quicker everyone can get there (Some states STILL think Covid-19 is a joke, or “just like the flu”. Looking at you Florida, West Virginia, and Georgia) the quicker we can all go back to worrying about our Power Point presentations instead of a global pandemic.
Be well. Be safe. If you’re NOT an essential employee, stay at home. The essential employees are risking their lives for us, the absolute least we can do is make some popcorn, invite lizard brain on the couch, and you both can Netflix and chill for them.