We’ve all bitten our lip, or the inside of our cheek, or our tongue while eating.
When you do this, there is immediate pain. But, the “best” part of biting your own mouth/lips/tongue is that afterwards, the body part swells, causing you to bite the part again, and again, and again.
Life is like this. We sometimes make mistakes and those mistakes cause circumstances that cause us to make additional mistakes, and on, and on the situation spirals.
How do you stop this behavior in life?
Not sure.
But I know how you stop it inside of your own mouth. You start by paying attention.
A person with a swollen cheek (like mine is now), after chewing on it enough times, will eventually change their eating behavior to be mindful of the swollen body part.
I don’t think this is the top-secret answer for stopping repeatable mistakes in a person’s life, but I think mindfulness of the problem is a good first step.
“The first step in solving a problem is to recognize that it does exist.”- Zig Zigler