Prince As An Eleven Year Old Already Had G.O.A.T Charisma

It was 6 years ago today that the world lost Prince.

Recently, thanks to a teacher’s strike in Minneapolis (that seems like a strange thing to be thankful for), a local journalist for the CBS affiliate uncovered video of an eleven-year old Prince giving his opinion of a similar strike from the 70’s.

He comes out of the gate hot, with a resounding “yep!” served with a glare and some attitude.

Prince as an 11 year old

Five Years Ago

It’s been five years since the world lost Prince.

I don’t think I’ve gone five years without buying a Prince album since the 70’s. (Fortunately, he has a new album coming out soon)

Remember kids, opioids can kill you, even if you are the greatest musician of your generation.

Image from Robert Whitman’s Intimate Photos of Prince on the Cusp of Fame